This post is part of my 2022 Word Project. You can read what that's about here. Sunday, April 30, 2023 11:02pm Of all the afflictions the universe has seen fit to bestow on humans, I have never suffered from insomnia. But that doesn't mean I've never stared at the ceiling for entire nights at a time, desperately working through relaxation exercises and meditative sessions, desperately hoping to catch a few zzz's before the alarm goes off. Sleep is a thing that seems to happen when it wants to, and not necessarily when you want it to. It can happens at any time at all, except when you're trying to do it. Why are we talking about sleep? Because I crave it, in a twelve-hour-like-I'm-a-teenager-again way. Falling asleep is not usually the problem. I do that most days on my laptop or on the couch or face-down in a book. Unless there is something I need to do the next day and I want to be rested, like if we're going on a road trip and getting up at say, 5:00, to start a 15 hour stint in the car. In that case I'll want to get to bed early and fall asleep right away, but instead will lay there and stare at the ceiling until 4:45. Stupid psychology. But it never fails. When we lived in Brigantine, every Wednesday we'd get up at 4:30 so we could drive 90 miles up to BNI and be there in time for the…
Carol LynnApril 30, 2023