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(03) March

Word Project

Great Mysteries Of The Universe

I sometimes feel like a cartoon character with a big thought bubble above my head filled with question marks. Sometimes I ponder deep, existential thoughts, but sometimes I just wonder, why is that crockpot in the middle of the sidewalk?
Carol Lynn
March 27, 2023
Word Project

I Heart New York

I lived in New Jersey for 20 years. I have lived in Tennessee for four. I still pine for Olema. But when someone asks, I will tell them I'm from New York. My body has spent time in other places but my soul is the shape of an apple.
Carol Lynn
March 24, 2023
Word Project

On Not Writing

When asked what my goals were, I had no answer. When asked what I want out of life, I still had no answer. Not in a profound way. I want to finish this client blog and I want to get dinner started, but... What do I WANT? That's the question for today's discussion.
Carol Lynn
March 22, 2023